What kind of love?

Today I’m struggling with quite a few questions…. What kind of love I am focussing on is one that came out last night in discussions…..

Romantic, platonic, friendship, 
Then the type so, lost love, unrequited love, first love are all possible areas
I think I might look at lost love as it ties in with objects that used to exist or are there as reminders of the person…. I experimented with castings a locket in leather to leave an impression…..
My next worry of the day is who my target group is….? 

Finding our feet 2

Today I was invited to attend the history PhD students get together.  It is an event where students who are working on co-collaboration projects get together and discuss ideas and ways forward using the technique.  It’s really helpful for me as its good to know how other students have gone about certain things and how things have worked.

I realised when discussing my new idea that I need to define the type of love that I am discussing, be this true, real, first, platonic, lost, etc….. Then and only then can I define it.
I also need to decide how I am going to look at the object, which I have now decided to call the artefact as after discussion today an artefact is an object that is interacted with where as an object comes across as a thing that may have been left untouched.  Historians talk about artefacts and as my area is about historical items to an extent this is what I will call them.
We also discussed the idea of using “generations” of the same family which then means that I am kind of agreeing to the idea that relationships have to be those that produce offspring.
It might be that I work on a group of people from the same home as in retirement home or something…..a certain group.
Also another thing is is it a love for a person or an artefact.  I kind of think it’s how the person that has been “loved” comes to manifest itself within an artefact that was given to them…..?  
It’s time for bed now but I’m glad I got these things down so I can remember tomorrow,…. Lots of sorting out to do.

The start of the PHD

So as of the end of May I changed my PhD focus! It wasn’t what I was passionate about and after attending the IFFTI conference in Florence, hosted by Polimoda, I realised that exhibiting my work in an artistic/fashion based setting was the direction I should be following and not so much practical and problem solving design.  

I met so many inspirational people who said I should take the work further and having spent a further research day bogged down in theory of disability and government legislation I made the switch to follow my passion. 

Having contacted Professor Steve Swiindells who said he would meet with me to discuss how to move forward I was instantly more alive and knew this was the right desicion to make and what I want to do. I have been excited about reading and experimenting! We met last Thursday to discuss ideas and so I am currently re proposing my question.

Although I have put myself 6 months off schedule I have the passion and drive to take my new ideas forward in a practice led PhD. I will explain further tomorrow!